Some guys are OK with just plain old vanilla sex. Some guys don’t mind being slutty. And sometimes, there are things we really want to try sexually – but we’re scared to act up on it, or just haven’t gotten to it yet. The gay guys on Reddit were willing to share their desires.

Best Gay Porn Discounts Of The Year  ⮕

1. Police brutality

Hot male police officer cop

2. Some clubbing

3. I’m Iron Man

Man in angel costume

4. Blitzkrieg

Man in military vest

5. Strange places…

Man in a public bathroom

6. Too much planning?

Man with rope

7. Wait for the applause

Friends with beer

8. Merry Christmas!

It's Shirtless Santa Claus!

9. With a WOMAN?

Bisexual men and one woman

10. Talk to the hand

11. And then… there’s this

Active Duty holiday sale