1. “You don’t see ME parading my sexual activities”
2. “You’ll die alone and miserable”
3. “But you don’t look like ‘them!’”
4. “Don’t tell your father, it’ll kill him”
5. “Do I need to worry about you hitting on me now?”
6. “Babe, I’m the one who can turn you straight”
7. “…In THERE? It’s unnatural!”
8. “Now I will never have grand kids”
9. “I don’t understand, how exactly do you have sex?”
10. “So which one of you is the man?”
11. “There’s a gay guy at my local Wal-Mart, you’d be perfect for each other!”
12. “I don’t want my children to see such things, they’ll get influenced!”
13. “Maybe you haven’t met the right woman yet”
14. “It’s not real love!”