When you’re a popular singer, bad people will often try to use your fame with nefarious intentions – which is what happened to openly gay singer Steve Grand last week, when an impostor tried to hustle fans for money.

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Steve Grand at a pool party
Photo: Instagram

The 26-year-old singer is touring the country these days, with sold out performances in San Diego, and an upcoming concert in Florida, on December 17.

In the middle of all that, Steve took to Facebook to warn his fans against someone pretending to be him – and asking people for money:

Just a friendly reminder: Beware of fake Facebook profiles asking for money. I’m hearing from some of you that a Facebook account claiming to be me is asking for donations. I, nor anyone who represents me, will ever send a direct message asking for credit card information or donations.

If you would like to support me, come see a show, share my music with your friends, and/or purchase my music or merchandise from my online store.

Thank you for all your support! I can only do what I love most because of all of you, and I appreciate that so much!

Some of the commenters on the post claim to have received these money requests from the impostor: “I knew you would not ask for money the way it was asked of me. Especially after I told the person I was having the toughest battle of my life right now medically”, writes one of them. “Yes I got that message and I was like ‘hum I don’t think so'”, writes another.

So instead of sending money to handsome [fake] strangers, let’s just have another look at the music video that jump-started Steve’s fame and career, “All American Boy”:

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