For some reason, Pokémon Go is a big hit with the gay community. Maybe because it’s a lot like Grindr… so it was only a matter of time until we got a gay porn parody of Pokémon Go – and it’s here (after all, we already have Pokémon-themed dildos…)

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Fuckemon Go cast

The XXX version of Pokémon, called “Fuckémon Go“, is brought to us by (NSFW Link!) – the same studio behind such gay porn parodies as Batman V Superman, The XXX-Men, and Captain America.

In the new movie, gay porn star Johnny Rapid plays a Pokémon hunter named Ash, who runs around the forest hunting Pokémons with his friend Brock (Will Braun). Eventually they come across Adam Bryant, who plays a sexy muscled Pokémon called… Peek-a-choo. You can guess what happens next…

The first scene is coming this Thursday, and you will be able to watch it on (NSFW Link!)

h/t: Unicorn Booty