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Back by popular demand, former boy-band star Ashley Park Angel is doing his “100 Days Of Fitness” challenge again – and on Day 3, it’s not just his fit body on display – but a certain, ehm, very prominent bulge.

Ashley Parker Angel new fitness bulge
Photo: Instagram

The 36-year-old singer and model, Ashley Parker Angel, recently finished his previous 100 Days Of Fitness with a treat for us – a nude (well, almost) photo. Then, on his birthday, he was, actually, wearing his birthday suit (plus shoes).

Now, Ashley is wearing boxers again, but they’re kind of… tight. VERY tight. Leaving very little (or should I say – big) to the imagination.

The caption was asking fans to comment with an answer to the question “What motivates you?” there were some interesting answers there – but really, how can that bulge not be the star of the show?


And while we’re at it, Day 2 of the fitness challenge looked like that:

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And this was Day 1:

Oh, and that was the intro. Sort of:
