Ashley Parker Angel’s 100 days of fitness challenge has been the gift that keeps on giving. We’ve seen the former boy-band star get naked (with a towel) in the shower, we’ve seen him get almost naked with sunglasses on, and the list goes on and on.

Now, on Day 100, Ashley is just… naked, in his bathtub – but yeah, there’s a plush doll standing in the way.

Ashley Parker Angel bathtub
Photo: Instagram

The 35-year-old singer, model and Instagram star started his most recent 100 Days of Fitness challenge back on April 1st. Back then, he looked like that:

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Now, 100 days later – he looks like this:

In our eyes, he looked amazing back then, and he STILL looks amazing. But yeah, there’s even some improvement on that six-pack area…

And, Ashley is promising another set of 100 days soon… we can’t wait!