It turns out people like Super Hero porn parodies – maybe it’s the tight outfits, maybe the bulging muscles (or other bulges) – the bottom line is, people want to see their super friends having sex. But which ones are more popular?

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Batman V Superman porn parody
Photo: Men.Com

In celebration of Suicide Squad’s release (to lacklustre reviews, unfortunately), the guys over at PornHub (one the internet’s most popular porn destinations) have gathered the statistics related to Super Hero parody searches on their site.

As expected, searches for Suicide Squad porn have increased by %1072, but we assume that’s mostly from straight men, as the number one search was for… Harley Quinn. (Jared Leto’s joker is kind of sexy, but he’s in the movie for about two heartbeats).

But then we move on to the manly men. Batman is the second most searched for Super Hero on the porn site, and then come Captain America, Spider-man, and Superman only at number 5. (Though, that list sounds like a Super-Orgy, no?)

When it comes to gay Super Hero porn parodies, Men.Com (NSFW Link!) have done a few over the past months – We’ve had a Batman V Superman gay porn parody, The XXX-Men, and then Captain America was having some nude fun with Bucky. You can watch their scenes over at this Very NSFW Link.

Here’s the full search list from PornHub:

Super Hero porn - pornhub
Data: PornHub Insights


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