Even if you’ve been kissing for a while (and especially if you’re new to it), kissing can sometimes be an awkward thing. Who better to learn from, then, than two handsome gay porn stars? Or at least – it’ll be fun to watch.

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gay porn stars blake mitchell and sean ford teach how to kiss better
Photo: YouTube

Davey Wavey enlisted the help of Blake Mitchell and Sean Ford, admitting that he is “kind of a shit kisser”. Davey already collaborated with Blake before, when they got naked together, and when they released an erotic sex education video together.

Blake Mitchell and Sean Ford have also… “collaborated” before, doing gay porn scenes for Helix Studios. (Very NSFW link!).

“I assume you guys are really good kissers because you’re paid to do it”, Davey explains why he brought Blake and Sean to teach him how to kiss. “I feel like we do it enough with enough different people…”, Blake confirms.

The video will teach you about the right approach, when to close your eyes exactly, techniques, and the different types of kisses – what type of kiss are you supposed to choose when you’re having sex in the closet during a wedding?! Blake to the rescue!

Watch the full video right here:

Mr man Taron