Following reality TV star Brandon Myers’ bulge is a fun and easy hobby, as he keeps posting photos and videos of it on Instagram. We’re not complaining, of course – as this week, Brandon (or rather, his bulge) is back with another up-close-and-personal photo.

Brandon Myers mirror
Photo: Instagram

Brandon Myers is a model who took part in MTV’s Ex On The Beach and then appeared on another sexy reality TV show, Bromans. Recently, Brandon claimed that his penis is 9.5 inches long, and that he calls it “his third leg”.

His latest photo is captioned “Monkey Nuts”. Now, it’s possible of course that he’s referring to the big jungle tattoo on his leg, though we’re seeing a tiger, not a monkey. We are seeing big nuts, though.

You be the judge (and be sure to swipe – there are two photos there, with two angles)

Falcon hug see more

This photo comes as not surprise, as a couple of days ago a shirtless Brandon promised he would be “coming back with a bang” –

Please, keep ’em coming!