Singer/songwriter Brandon Skeie is a 24-year-old, openly gay singer/songwriter, who in the past has not only impressed us with his music – but also with his looks.

Yesterday, he took to Instagram to show the amazing body transformation he went through in the past few years.

Brandon Skeie transformation
Photo: Instagram

Brandon, who you might remember from his beautiful tribute song (along with Eli Lieb) to the Orlando victims, “Pulse“, already left our jaws on the floor last month with his outdoors photoshoot.

In his Before/After post yesterday, Brandon shows what his body looked like in 2014 – and what it’s like now. Yep, those abs are… impressive.

“Your bodies are important people!”, he writes – and indeed, it’s not just about having that perfect six-pack – it’s also about living a healthy life and taking care of your body.

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Plus, it’s about giving us photos like this one to enjoy:

Or this one:

Enough gawking – let’s end with a song.