Sean Paul Lockhart, mostly known as the gay porn star “Brent Corrigan” (whose life was supposedly depicted in James Franco’s “King Cobra”), is back with a new website and blog – opening his heart and discussing his intentions for his fans and readers.

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Brent Corrigan Twitter - New Blog
Photo: Brent Corrigan / Twitter

Sean/Brent was in the news recently, due to James Franco’s porn biopic, “King Cobra”, which was based on events from 2007 surrounding the murder of gay porn producer Brian Kocis. Brent famously refused to endorse the film, claiming it was “Bastardizing My Early Years In Porn“.

Now, a year after Brent left his website and blog behind – he’s back with a brand new post, and a new direction for the website – and possibly for his life.

“It’s taken me years to find whatever it was I was seeking”, Brent writes on the first post, “through all kinds of misadventures in rampant self-mutilation and personal sabotage. In truth, I just needed to find my place of peace.”

Brent goes on to explain in detail why he refused to take part in King Cobra (“I told them I would not ever publicly approve of their version”), he talks about his upcoming book, Incorrigible, which will give his side of events, and – he talks about the role Brent Corrigan still has in his life:

I can try to run and hide from my egotistical shadow, the one we affectionately have come to know as Brent Corrigan, but he will always be hot on my heels.

This time, this is less about proving my worth as Brent and more about making sure he gives me what I truly need.

Read the whole post right here.

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