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King Cobra”, James Franco’s gay porn biopic, has made a lot of headlines. After the film’s début, Brent Corrigan, the gay porn star whose life is (supposedly) depicted in the movie, had some things to say in response to all the hype.

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Brent Corrigan
Brent Corrigan. Photo: Twitter

The film, based on events from 2007 surrounding the murder of gay porn producer Brian Kocis, has “explicit gay sex scenes“, and stars Garret Clayton as Brent Corrigan (which is the stage name of Sean Paul Lockhart), Christian Slater, James Franco and Keegan Allen.

King Cobra poster
King Cobra – The Film

A few months ago, Corrigan reveled that he was approached to a have a role in the movie – but declined. Now, he has some more to say about the production.

“[King Cobra] is made, and it’s not about me”, he wrote on his official Twitter account. “It’s Hollywood’s attempt at bastardizing my early years in porn, one man’s murder, blah blah”.

“These filmmakers didn’t care about anyone but their take on it all (and not getting sued). It doesn’t matter what A list celebrity is involved. The screenplay and content didn’t jive. I passed it up. “

Corrigan is also working on a book, which will tell his side of the story. “The book I wrote is something to look forward to. Out very soon. It’s called INCORRIGIBLE”.

While “King Cobra” is an interesting step forward for gay cinema, hearing Brent Corrigan’s first-hand account of the events, should prove to be very interesting.

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