We’ve been waiting for Captain America and Bucky to get together for a long time – and now they’re finally going to have sex, in the porn parody version of “Captain America: Civil War.

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Men.com studio (NSFW Link!), the folks who brought us the gay porn version of the XXX-Men, and the very raunchy gay version of Batman V Superman, are back with yet another porn parody – this time, of the latest Marvel blockbuster.

And even though we’ve seen Captain America and Bucky kissing (sort of), this time they’re probably going to do a lot more than that – but no Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan, unfortunately.

Steve Rogers, AKA Captain American will be portrayed in this version by Alex Mecum

Captain America XXX - Alex Mecum
Photo: Men.com

Bucky (The Winter Soldier) is Paddy O’Brien

Captain America XXX - Paddy O'Brien
Photo: Men.com

Fury is the porn star known as XL

Captain America XXX - Fury

The release date is June 25, and you can find it (and other super-hero related XXX versions) at THIS NSFW link.

Watch the trailer right here:


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