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Ah, the shenanigans of young, handsome Hollywood stars. While recent reports have talked about a feud between Charlie Hunnam and Robert Pattinson (don’t worry, they made up), it turns out a while back Charlie talked about… kissing Robert. If only it weren’t for that pesky, big… beard.

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Charlie Hunnam and Robert Pattinson
Photos: Deposit Photos – Jean Nelson

Charlie Hunnam, the 36-year-old hunk who you probably know from Sons of Anarchy, but might also remember from the British version of Queer as Folk, stars in the upcoming movie The Lost City of Z, with Twilight star Robert Pattinson and Tom Holland (the upcoming Spiderman).

While they were all filming the movie, Charlie apparently got the silent treatment from Robert, as he told Screen Daily.

“I didn’t know if he was just ‘in that zone’ or if he genuinely didn’t like me. There was a real distance between us. But it creates the right dynamic on screen.

“He’s reached out to me subsequently, making overtures for us to be friends now, so I think it was about the work.”

So the two definitely made up – but it’s nice to hear that they almost KISSED and made up, even though Charlie recently confessed to hating on-screen kisses.

In a video interview with On Demand Entertainment, Charlie was asked about his on-screen kiss with Sienna Miller, who plays his wife in The Lost City of Z. Charlie admitted, disappointingly, that he didn’t get to kiss Robert.

“I didn’t get to kiss Rob though. That would have been the icing on the cake.”

His turnoff? “Maybe not with that big beard though… I had some pretty serious beard envy.”

Yes, Robert unfortunately has a big beard in the film. Watch the short interview right here:

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