Teen Wolf,  MTV’s supernatural series, was always popular with the gay crowds – in large part due to the abundance of hunks starring in it, some of them as gay characters.

Now there’s another reason to love the show: on the series’ final season, Colton Haynes and Charlie Carver’s characters will return – as a gay couple.

Colton Haynes and Charlie Carver Teen Wolf
Photo: MTV

Colton Haynes (Jackson Whittemore) and Charlie Carver (Ethan) both starred on the early seasons of Teen Wolf as werewolves (rather, a shape-shifter in Colton’s case). Since then, both actors have publicly come out as gay.

Charlie’s character, Ethan, was gay from the start. But for Colton’s character – Jackson – this new relationship is a surprising twist, as Entertainment Weekly reports.

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The decision to bring back Jackson as a gay man was made by series creator, Jeff Davis (himself an openly gay man) years ago.

“I thought, if Jackson comes back, he’s coming back in a relationship with a guy. Whether that means he’s bisexual or gay, that’s how he’s returning. I just felt like he went off to London and found himself.”


The hot new couple will appear in the September 10 episode of Teen Wolf. For now, here’s a clip from the upcoming episode: