Can you remember the days when Darren Criss was a scrawny high school student on Glee? Well, his body sure looks different these days – which was made pretty clear, after Darren posted an almost fully-nude selfie on Instagram.

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Darren Criss nude
Photo: Instagram

On Glee, 30-year-old Darren Criss portrayed gay high school student Blaine Anderson. These days, he’s taking part in the next season of Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story, in the role of Andrew Cunanan, who killed fashion designer Gianni Versace.

Last night, Darren took to Instagram to post a photo of himself wearing, well, nothing – with his private parts barely covered by the Speedo in his hand.

The caption asked “So what’s more red? My sunburn, my Speedo, or YOUR FACE???” – That’s a tough question indeed.


Update: A couple of months later, Darren revealed “the truth” behind this picture…