Gay YouTuber Davey Wavey certainly pushes a lot of boundaries. As he does that, he also sometimes pushes some people’s buttons – but that goes with the territory.

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In his latest video, Davey got naked – which is something he likes to do even though he still feels awkward about it – with two gay porn stars, Blake Mitchell and Sean Ford.

davey wavey blake mitchell sean ford
Photo: YouTube

Davey starts the video by admitting he is often criticised for making a lot of videos with porn stars. “But I think that porn stars are really amazing teachers”, he explains. “One of the things I really like about you guys, is how comfortable you are being naked.”

“Nudity is a really difficult thing for a lot of people”

Blake Mitchell, who’s been a gay porn star for several years now, started as a webcam model.

“I was talking to people and they wanted me to take my clothes off. That’s when I started associating money with getting naked because they would give me really high tips for taking my shirt off.”

Sean Ford, who is a relatively newcomer to the scene, explains how his first time being naked on camera was actually with Blake, in porn scene they both shared. “There was no hesitation”, he says.

Blake Mitchell Sean Ford
Blake Mitchell and Sean Ford [Photo: Helix Studios]
Davey then asks them to give advice to people who don’t feel comfortable being naked.

“The place where most people are naked most of the time is the bathroom. Start there – get naked in the bathroom and don’t critic yourself. Just objectively view yourself.

People don’t look at themselves enough.”

There’s a lot of other good advice – watch the full video right here… (And if you want to see some of their… “Other” work – there’s a 40% Valentine’s Day sale on Helix Studios – NSFW Link!)

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