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Hours after Colton Haynes posted a sexy river-dipping photo of himself, an avid fan turned it into an even sexier drawing – where Colton is in fact a Merman. A nude merman.

Colton Haynes Merman
Photos: Deposit Photos – S.Bukley / Matthew Walsh

Earlier today we told you about the photo Colton, the 28-year-old Arrow and Teen Wolf star, posted on Instagram, captioned “Getting lost in the woods.”


The photo unfortunately prompted a rude response from a fan who said Colton should lose weight, but it also prompted a spectacular drawing from a different fan.

Twitter user Matthew Walsh started at first with a small change on the original photo. It looked like that:

Then, he took it a step further, and turned Colton into a full-fledged Merman. Naked, of course, because you don’t need clothes when you’re in the water.

Mr man Taron

In the caption, Matthew wrote: “okay I need to stop fantasying merman Colton. It’s not healthy. But I love it 😊”

Colton ReTweeted the drawing, and posted it on his Instagram account as well:


Now we can all fantasize along with the talented artist…