Despite what you sometimes see in the movies, being a male prostitute is not glamorous. A 26-year-old former hooker, who is now living with a young son and a boyfriend, was willing to answer questions on Reddit, giving us a glimpse into his days of selling his body for money.

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Young man in bed
Illustrative Photo: Deposit Photos

1. How did you get into the life, why did you get out, and how many people in your life knew about this?

2. Did “meaningful sex” become more dull/unfeeling for you as a result of having it more often with random guys?

Sad man in the shower
Illustrative Photo: Deposit Photos

3. What were those horrific experiences?

4. Were there ever times where you wanted to say fuck the money, and tell the client no and walk out?

5. How did you go about finding/being found by potential clients in a way that didn’t attract law enforcement?

Man in cowboy hat leaning against the wall
Illustrative Photo: Deposit Photos

6. How much did you charge for a typical encounter?

7. Is there anything you would have done differently in that era with your money or time to plan for later?

8. How much did you make, and what were your best/worst client stories?

Gay couple in bed
Illustrative Photo: Deposit Photos

9. Does your boyfriend know about your past? And will you tell your son when he’s older? And were there ever good moments?