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The last season of Game of Thrones is almost upon us, and while the series is famous for featuring dragons and naked women (not necessarily in that order), it also had some decent male nudity scenes over the years (though not enough!)

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And with a fine selection of fine men, such as Kit Harington, Jason Momoa, and Pedro Pascal, there’s much to see – so we’re looking back at some of those hottest scenes…

Robb, Theon and Jon - Game of thrones

And if we’re looking back at famous nude Game of Thrones male celebrities, who better than our friends from Mr Man – who compiled a list – and a video – of these sexy moments. Some of the images and clips were just TOO NSFW for us – so head on over here for the full uncensored version.

Jason Momoa shirtless game of thrones

Before he was Aquaman, Jason Momoa showed us Mo-more-a dat hard ass in the Game of Thrones’ sophomore episode.

Jason Momoa naked game of thrones

While Aflie Allen’s GOT character Theon Greyjoy famously lost his member, we’ll always have this hot documentation of his impressive intact frontal.


Richard Madden’s career blew up with his starring role on Bodyguard, but we’ll never forget his smooth, candlelit ass from Game Of Thrones (which he now says he was pressured to lose weight for…)

Richard Madden naked game of thrones

Kit Harington had previously been surprisingly stingy with his nudity throughout GO.

Kit Harington Game of Thrones
Photo: HBO

But he finally delivered in a big way by showing his beefy buns in the season seven finale during a sex scene with Daenerys Targaryen.

Kit Harington naked game of thrones

And don’t think for a second that the gorgeous guys of Game Of Thrones were about to keep their hands off each other! Narcos star Pedro Pascal gave twink Will Tudor a cheeky ass slap in season four.

6-game-of-thrones-nudity pedro pascal-min

Want more? check out the full, uncensored version (including some – gasp – GoT penises) on Mr Man. And don’t miss out on their amazing new deal – 30 days for just… $5.