Two gay teenagers were allegedly “intimidated” by the lifeguard at a beach resort in Italy, after they merely hugged in the pool. The reason given to them? “there are children present in the facility.”

Handsome men on the beach
Illustrative Photo

The incident, reported by The Local, occurred at the Lido Arcobaleno beach resort in the south of Italy. The two men, one 17-year-old and the other 18, were just there having fun like everybody else.

“We were in the pool like everyone else,” one of them said. “While we were in the water, like everyone else present, we also embraced, a spontaneous embrace, but we are two men and it was not appreciated.”

At that point, the lifeguard approached the two, and asked them to stop hugging and stay more “composed”, as “there are children present in the facility.”

According to the two, the lifeguard approached them again later, explaining he would have asked the same of a heterosexual couple – but they say there were in fact dozens of straight couples there, who were not asked to stop hugging.

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