Stop the press, Blake Mitchell bought new glasses! Yes, for the uninformed, it might sound weird to write an article about a gay porn star replacing his glasses.

But with Blake being such a big name in his field, and with his glasses being so iconic (yes, he keeps them on… during) – replacing them with a new style becomes a headline. And accompanied by a marvellous photoshoot – well, that’s the icing on the cake.

Blake Mitchell helix studios
Photo: Helix Studios

23-year-old Blake Mitchell can usually be seen on Helix Studios (NSFW Link!), and recently also on Davey Wavey’s new gay erotica website – Himeros.TV (Also NSFW Link!).

Despite only having filmed gay porn scenes (to date, at least) – he’s bisexual and is always willing to open up about that, and the struggles it brings with it.

For years, Blake’s glasses were his trademark (he only filmed one or two scenes without them). Here’s what the old ones looked like:

Recently, and after consulting with his fans on Twitter, it was time for a new look – and Blake went with Warby Parker glasses. But not only that – he picked the model inspired by popular gay YouTuber Tyler Oakley.

Tyler, of course, approved:

And the bonus part? A suited-up photoshoot with photographer robbiegay:

And another one:

Men Bang Brandon Cody

Don’t worry, he still gets shirtless:–9wMHB_j/?taken-by=mrblakemitchell

Check Out Blake’s NSFW Scenes On Helix Studios