Coloring pages for adults are a big trend these days. But aren’t you tired of all those boring birds and flowers? Don’t know about you, but those never really had any “calming” effects on me. Now there’s a better option: take out your pencils, and start touching up your favorite porn stars!

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Pierre Fitch Coloring Page
Pierre Fitch Coloring Page. Photo: AdamMaleBlog

The guys over at “AdamMale’s Blog” took the time to create some beautiful coloring pages, featuring none other than some of our favorite gay porn stars (and a couple we’ve never heard of). And to make it interesting, there are also cute intergalactic animals involved!

So yes, coloring pages for adults are supposed to help with stress and be soothing, and coloring Pierre Fitch’s, eh… dolpin, might have the opposite effect. But hey, you’ll have fun!

Austin Wilde Coloring Page
Austin Wilde Coloring Page. Photo: Adam Male Blog

To see the whole collection, go over to AdamMale’s blog.

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