A few days ago, Campbell’s Soup have released a commercial featuring two real-life gay dads, Larry Sullivan and David Monahan, along with their son Cooper. In the ad, both dads take turns impersonating Darth Vader in order to convince their son to, well, eat Campbell’s soup. You can see the adorable ad right here:

Best Gay Porn Discounts Of The Year  ⮕


To no one’s surprise, The American Family Association, which is a radical fundamentalist Christian group, were outraged. Through one of their projects, a website called “One Million Moms”, they’ve been calling for boycott:

“Campbell’s Soup is glorifying this unnatural marriage. One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin. 1MM does not agree with the need for Campbell’s to support same sex marriages or couples.”

Campbell’s, however, had this to say about their ad:

We wanted to show actual families, which means families of different configurations, cultures, races and life choices. The American family is changing faster than at any time in recent history and it is now a true mosaic of shapes and sizes, all bonded through love, and love of good food.”

Hopefully, those “one million” American moms will get on with the times at some point. In the meantime, we’ll be eating soup.

Mr man Taron