In the world of sports, being openly gay might not be as easy as in the entertainment business, or other, more “open” areas of life. For college hockey player Voight Demeester, it became an issue last week, when an opposing player called him a “faggot”, twice. Voight quickly decided he wasn’t going to just let it slide.

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Voight Demeester gay hockey player
Photo: Instagram

Voight, who plays for the Penn State hockey team, publicly came out earlier this year, striving to become a role model.

A week ago, during a hockey match, one of the opposing players called him a “faggot”. Voight was going to ignore it the first time – but then, it happened again.

Davey Wavey filmed a video of Voight, telling his story.

The player decided to get up in my face and called me a faggot. The second time he said it, I decided that enough was enough.

I went to the referee and said – ‘I just want to let you know that this kid is saying a derogatory comment’. The ref promised he would take care of it.

But the kid did come out to me another time, so I shouted – ‘Go ahead, say what you’re about to say!’, so the referee would see there’s a fight going on.

This “faggot”, beat them 4-3.

Watch the full video, where Voight also answers the super-important question… is he single?

h/t: Queerty

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