WOW, It’s been a busy year for Nick Jonas. He was gay and shirtless on “Scream Queens”, he was gay and shirtless on Kingdom, he danced with an inflatable penis (yes he did), he refused to deny “sexual experiments” with men, and after all that – he said he’s NOT a gay icon.

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But hey, why read about Nick Jonas, when you can stare at his buffed up body? So let’s do just that, with a look back at some of his hottest Instagram pics from the past year.

1. Tough Guy

2. Sexy on Stage

3. Sweaty On Stage

4. Nick from The Hood

5. Just look at those arms…

6. It takes a certain kind of man to pull off a bow tie and still look good


7. Plain and Pretty


8. All Dirty…


9. Happy New Year!