Surprise: gay men like porn, and a lot of it. Plus, they spend more time actually watching porn, on average, than straight men (and lesbian women).

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The people over at Pornhub, one of the biggest porn websites, have analyzed statistics on the length of time people spend on their site, and the number of pages they view.

While most of the data relates to straight men and the strange categories they like to view (such as “Lesbian MILFs with Small Tits”), the numbers do give a few interesting insights into the porn habits of gay men as well.

It turns out, gay men spend MORE TIME on the site, on average, watching porn. The general average time spent on Pornhub is 9 minutes and 20 seconds, while the gay category has 81 more seconds (on average). So it takes you 10 minutes and 41 seconds to find the right video that hits the spot.

Pornhub - time spent watching porn
Photo: Pornhub Insights

But how many pages (that is, different videos) do gay men watch on the site? Here, we come out on top. The gay category has 11.02 pages viewed on each session. In comparison, the second place (ehm, “Feet”) has 10.17 page views on average. Bisexual, BTW, is down below with only 6.94 pages views per session.

Pornhub - pages viewed
Photo: Pornhub Insights

So what did we learn? It’s either:

A. Gay men watch a lot of porn

B. Gay men are more picky, and spend more time (and page views) to look for that video that’s just right for the… happy ending.

Or maybe it’s both.