Once you’re in a relationship, staying on Grindr is probably a big no no (unless it’s an open relationship). But when one guy found out his boyfriend is still on Grindr – he decided to contact him with a fake profile to see what happens…

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This all happened to this guy on Reddit, who’s known for a long time that his boyfriend goes on Grindr occasionally, even though they’ve been together for seven months.

“I saved his profile”, he writes, “And so every now and then I go on and see when he’s been active to see how often he goes on and trying to figure out why?”

But then, things went south fast…

“Tonight he was online the same time I had gone on to see… so I messaged him pretending to be someone else and used some random pictures I found on the Internet to see what he would say and do…

And basically he’s keen 100% to meet-up for sex and exchange shirtless pictures.

Soooo I’m currently sending him to a hotel in the city where no one will be and where he’s expecting sex with another guy…

He’s going there after work and he’s already messaged me goodnight and that he loves me.

Second person this has happened with…. is it me? like I just don’t get it, why are guys so slutty… “. 

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