Gay YouTuber Daniel X Miller is back, this time with the full story of how he dated a straight guy – who then broke up with his girlfriend (who caught them red-handed!) and ended up stealing from him.

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Daniel X Miller Selfie 2
Photo: Instagram

“My co-worker invited me to a house party with a few friends”, Daniel begins his story. “HE Was there, he knew I was gay, he had a girlfriend and they’ve been dating for 7 years”.

And it goes on from there:

We became Facebook friends, and after a month we started texting. I found him so attractive – he had a motorcycle, tattoos and abs. The total package for me – except… he was straight.

I have this personality where guys are just really comfortable around me. It’s not that I’m trying to get straight guys to hookup with me. 

So we started hanging out all the time. One day we went home together, he was really drunk and so was I. It was after midnight, then he looks at me… he turns around and says – “I think I’m in love with you“. And he gets closer to me, and kisses me.

It was one of those feeling that you dream about and only see in movies. Butterflies, the man of your dreams.

I didn’t know what to do. “What about your girlfriend?“, I asked, but he didn’t really have an answer for that. “I’m really confused, you’re the first guy I ever had feelings for”.

The next day we were hanging out in his house, I tried to make it feel normal. We were laying on the couch and I started giving him a massage. We were cuddling, and then the craziest thing happened – his girlfriend walks in on us cuddling.

She doesn’t say anything, she just sees us and then turns around and walks back out. She acts like nothing happened. It was crazy.

At that point she basically hated me.

To hear the full story of how they took “the next step”, and how the guy ended up stealing cash from Daniel – watch the video right here:

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