We all have a soft spot for Jake Gyllenhaal ever since his Brokeback Mountain role – but Jake has a very rich and diverse history in films (with a new one that just came out) – plus, a rich history of getting naked in films. So naturally, that’s what we’re here for.

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jake gyllenhaal naked front

Jake Gyllenhaal’s new comedy, The Sisters Brothers, came out last weekend and that’s ALL the reason our friends over at Mr Man needed to pay some homage to one of the most handsome (and talented) actors in Hollywood.

Jake Gyllenhaal Heath Ledger Brokeback Mountain

At 37-years-old, Jake Gyllenhaal is one of the most popular celebrities in Hollywood, which comes as no surprise. With his talent, charm, adorable looks, and banging body, Jake has secured his place in the hearts and loins of movie-goers everywhere.

Jake Gyllenhaal naked - Brokeback Mountain

Let’s take a quick look back at his skin-filled contributions to cinema.

Jake Gyllenhaal southpaw

Most of us fell in love with Jake thanks to his partial nude debut and his steamy make-out scenes with co-star Heath Ledger in the emotionally heavy drama Brokeback Mountain. Check them both out in the Glorious Gay Scenes playlist.

Jake Gyllenhaal Jarhead

Since then, Jake has been in countless nude scenes in movies such as Jarhead (we love a man in uniform).

And Love and Other Drugs where he shows us his flawless butt –

Jake gyllenhaal naked

Jake Gyllenhaal Love and Other Drugs

If you want more – check out the full, UNCENSORED playlist.

Plus, you can see more than 8,000 naked celebrities over at Mr Man. That’s A LOT of famous skin.