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With the third Fifty Shades film coming up, we’re getting a lot of interesting stories from Jamie Dornan. The latest one revolves around the bag he had to wear around his crotch during the film’s sex scenes. He calls it a “wee bag” – but what does that actually say about its… size?

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Jamie Dornan fifty shades of grey
Photo: Universal
  • Also See: Jamie Dornan’s Fans Are Going Crazy Over His Big “Bulge” Photo

It was but a week ago that Jamie Dornan talked about the weird thing he did to his crotch when he was young, then he spoke about his first-hand experiences with S&M, and NOW the 35-year-old actor is talking about the size of his penis-covering-bag.

Jamie was a guest on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, where he was asked whether he wears something to cover his genitals during the more “intimate” scenes – something often called a cock-sock or a cock-bag.

“Yes, I wear a wee-bag”, he answered, to screams from the audience, as “wee” means “small” in Scotland and Ireland, where Jamie’s originally from… so he quickly tried to fix this impression:

“Well, that’s an expression from where I’m from – a wee-bag. But it doesn’t mean it’s actually wee in size. I wear quite a big bag! Like a travel bag… and I stuff everything in there. Like a potato sack.”

Jamie goes on to tell how, on the first film, he found out he had to wear a USED cock-sock, of someone who played a prison inmate in another production…

Watch it all here:

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