“Keg Stands”, where a person does a handstand on a keg of beer and starts drinking straight from the tube, is something you see either in a college fraternity, or in porn movies. Well, this week, we also got to see Jared Padalecki do it. And yeah, it was kind of hot.

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Jared Padalecki keg stand on Conan
Photo: TBS / YouTube

The hilarious bit happened on Conan O’Brien’s show, which was filmed in San Diego as part of Comic-Con. And it happened to fall right on Jared’s birthday.

At first, things got heated up when Jared claimed that his birthday tradition, along with his Supernatural co-star Jensen Ackles, involved streaking (as in… running naked together).

Alas, there was no nudity involved, but he did move on to reveal their other birthday tradition – drinking.

At that point, a keg was brought on stage, Jared jumped on it, spreading his legs on top of Jensen and Conan’s sidekick Andy Richter, and started drinking…

Watch it right here: