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“If you’re gonna do it, Jonathan Rhys Meyers is not a bad choice”. The speaker: Jeremy Irvine, the British actor who’s about to star in the upcoming “Stonewall” film.

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Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Jeremy Irvine
Photos: Deposit Photos / Jean Nelson / S_Bukley

The “Stonewall” movie has already caused an uproar months before its release. The trailer, that shows mostly good-looking white boys, has met with a lot of resistance from the African-American and Trans-gendered communities, claiming the trailer (and consequently – the film) are racially (and gender) biased.

In an interview with PrideSource, Irvine, along with the film’s director Roland Emmerich (who is openly gay), speak about those reactions, that came as a total shock to them. They also speak, of course, about those gay sex scenes between Meyers and Irvine.

Meyers plays an older activist who falls for Irvine (can you blame him?), and they end up in bed together. For Irvine, this was the first gay sex scene on-screen – and only the second one in total (alas, the first one was with a woman). Naturally, he was nervous.

“I’m pretty green to all that. And Jonathan obviously did ‘The Tudors’ and so he said, ‘Just relax. I used to do, like, 10 of these a day.’ So he was very cool. He took my hand. Took me through it.”

To that, Emmerich adds:

“I kept it really short for [Irvine’s] relief. Jonathan totally took charge”

And no wonder – Meyers is no stranger when it comes to gay sex scenes. He had a queer role in “Velvet Goldmine”, where he even shared a kiss with Ewan McGregor:

He also played a bisexual man in the British TV movie “The Tribe”, of which he spoke in an interview with OUT magazine:

I ended up in bed with Jeremy Northam. It was really funny. It was me, Jeremy, and Anna Friel in bed together for a threesome. And Jeremys reeeeeeally uptight. The more uptight he got, the more outlandish and flamboyant I got. When we were doing the scene, I kept reaching my hand down and squeezing his ass and he was trying to fucking concentrate.

All things considered, we now have one more exciting reason to wait for the “Stonewall” movie. Watch the controversial trailer right here:

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