Justin Bieber recently broke the internet, when nude pictures of himself that were taken without his permission while on vacation in Bora Bora, were released into the wild. So far, Bieber has remained silent regarding this incident – and now he’s finally talking.

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Justin Bieber in Iceland
Photo: Instagram

In an upcoming interview with Access Hollywood, Bieber breaks his silence and addresses those nude photos:

“My first thing was like…how can they do this? Like, I feel super violated. Like, I feel like I can’t step outside and feel like I can go outside naked. Like, you should feel comfortable in your own space… especially that far away”

There was, however, one other small issue (pun intended) he felt like he had to address. “That was shrinkage for me“, Bieber explains.

And don’t forget, that same size issue also arose when Bieber posted a picture of himself in wet undies, after swimming in Iceland. Well, now we know.