We bet you didn’t see that one coming – Justin Bieber, the hot singer who at least has the body of a Greek God, went to Instagram to clarify that no, he is NOT comparing himself to God.

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Justin Bieber 7th day
Photo: Instagram

It all started earlier this week, when Bieber posted a photo of himself shirtless in bed, with the caption “And On The 7th Day…“.

Several blogs and news sites immediately took this as Bieber comparing himself to the all mighty – which, it seems, was not his intention.

So he went to Instagram again, this time with a clarification:


Later, he added yet another clarification:

Would love to talk about this because it’s another moment to point to God. When I said on the 7th day it was a reference to say that on the 7th day he rested giving us a template and example letting us know how important rest is. 

We’re hearing you, Justin, Better yet, we’re looking at you: