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Will KJ Apa ever stop wooing our senses? (Please don’t!) The hot Riverdale star is at it again, this time giving his buddy and co-star Charles Melton some VERY personal gym training…

26-year-old Charles Melton has joined the cast of Riverdale for Season 2, as school-bully Reggie, after the previous actor, Ross Butler, had to leave due to other engagements.

KJ Apa Charles Melton training
Photo: Instagram

20-year-old KJ Apa, being the gym expert that he is (even co-star Cole Sprouse said KJ is CONSTANTLY at the gym – and looking at his body, there’s no wonder), decided to give Charles some… much-needed assistance.

“Watch closely”, KJ writes in the caption to the video he shared on Instagram, “A perfect example of someone who clearly needs to drop the weight and focus on form. It’s pretty obvious that Charles here has no idea what he’s doing but that’s where I come into play.”

And come into play he did, as KJ sits down and hugs Charles from behind, to… show him how it’s done.



Of course, KJ and Charles have been making fun of – and with – each other ever since Charles joined the cast.

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There was that time they had the shirtless pizza party, and they also run pranks on each other:

And sometimes, they just have sweaty fun together. We’re all for that!