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Justin Bieber, the 23-year-old superstar is in Australia these days with his Purpose your, and is understandably making a lot of gossip headlines over there.

A popular Australian radio show asked people who have had “sexual encounters” with Bieber to phone in – and, surprisingly, a man named “Joe” joined three female callers.

Justin Bieber shirtless with a cape
Photo: Instagram

“Kyle & Jackie O” is a popular morning radio show in Sydney, hosted by Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O. On Wednesday, as part of Justin Bieber’s royal visit to the land down under, the hosts asked callers to tell them about intimate sexual encounters they claim to have had with Bieber, as UNILAD reports.

They started off with three women. There was Kora, for example, who claimed she got together with Bieber when he was in Sydney last year. According to her, Bieber’s security guard asked her if she would like to come to the singer’s hotel.

At the room, after some small talk, Bieber allegedly pulled out his penis and said “Come in here, I’ve got something to show you…”, at which point he leaned in closer, and they “did the deed”.

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One of the callers to the radio show was a man who identified himself as “Joe”. According to Joe, he and Justin Bieber “had a moment”, while they were “having a joint on the beach”.

Of course, keep in mind any average Joe can call a radio show and claim he had an intimate moment with Justin Bieber. Nevertheless, it’s fun when you imagine it’s true.