A member of the United Kingdom’s Royal Marines force, is alleging in court that he was forced to watch and masturbate to gay porn by his superiors, as a form of punishment for failing a task.

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Three soldiers
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Two marine corporals are now on trial in military court, as Metro reports, for “ill-treatment of a subordinate”, following accusations from a marine who cannot be named for legal reasons.

According to the accusations made in court, the corporals devised several forms of “punishment”, including shaving of the whole body, being whipped with a rubber exercise band while hanging upside down from a pull-up bar, and masturbating in public while watching gay porn.

“The porn was military themed porn, the men had berets on and people were watching us – we were told the last person to ejaculate would get another punishment.

I felt disgusted and degraded having to do it, it was massively degrading, I had no power against it; I could not say no.”

On occasion, the corporals played a version of “Deal or No Deal” to hand out the various punishments, with marines forced to pick boxes, each containing a different punishment.

The trial is set to continue this week.

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