When you’re a popular underwear model, it’s not uncommon for people to see you without much on. But when you take the underwear off, what are you? Hot! Which is exactly what Max Emerson did this week.

Max Emerson nude on Instagram
Photo: Instagram

The 28-year-old Max is probably best known for wearing underwear, but he also had some small acting roles (as a male model on Glee, for example), and he also has a popular YouTube channel.

Plus, he’s also openly gay, which is always a plus in our book – and his boyfriend, Andrés Camilo, is just as hot as him.

But we’re here today for his nude shot – which he published yesterday. The excuse: his boyfriend “really likes dudes with Speedo tans”, so he posted this photo to score some boyfriend points. Hey, we like Speedo tans too!

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So that’s Max with his tan lines:

That’s Max with his super-hot boyfriend:

And that’s Max doing what he does so well – show his underwear:

h/t: Instinct