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Face masks have become the sign of our times these days – they’re the least you can do to help slow the spread of this awful virus.

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However, even when dealing with such a bleak topic, there’s no reason not to look for the silver lining, which is… hot men who look super sexy even when they’re wearing a face mask!

men in masks collage

So let’s go…

1. Who else would look this hot in a mask, but Xavier Serrano?

2. We might as well continue with James Hinchliffe, because – well – here’s why:

3. OK Wait, we have to give you another one of James:

4. UK Reality TV star and singer, Sam Callahan, definitely pulls off the look…

5. Yep, of course gay porn star Blake Mitchell (also known as Lane Rogers) would look hot in a mask…

6. And Blake’s boyfriend Chad Alec does too…

7. Star Wars actor John Boyega manages to wear a mask AND look hot while getting ready for a shoot

8. Even with the mask on, you can still see 13 Reasons Why star Dylan Minnette’s piercing blue eyes

9. Singer Tanner Patrick has a beard these days. But also… a mask. And also… this:

So please… don’t forget your mask!