In the habit of grooming, cutting or waxing your pubic hair? Many gay men (and men in general) are, but a new survey finds it can be quite risky – with some injuries even leading to hospitalization.

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Man holding electric shaver grooming

According to the survey, as Time reports, most adults in the U.S. groom their pubic hair in some fashion or another. Of those, about a quarter reported injuries caused directly by the grooming act.

The survey was conducted by Dr. Benjamin Breyer, vice chair of urology at the University of California San Francisco. According to the results, in 1.5% of cases people needed medical attention following their injury.

The most common injuries were cuts, followed by rashes and burns.

“One lesson to take from this”, Dr. Breyer said, “is that if you have had significant grooming injuries, or keep getting injured, you should reconsider the areas you groom, how frequently you do it, and the extent to which you do it.”

So which method is more dangerous when working on your pubes – waxing or cutting? The survey doesn’t hold a definite answer, but more than 60% of the injuries were related to cuts.