Well, you knew it was coming: With Star Wars: The Last Jedi right around the corner, you can finally stick Darth Vader up, well, you know.

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The new line of Star Wars “inspired” sex toys includes a “Dildoda” (yes, it’s green), a “Darth Vibrator”, and even a Death Star inspired ball gag.

Star Wars inspired sex toys

These “Star Toys” were created by Geeky Sex Toys, the same Australian company that brought us such classics the Jon Snow “Game Of Moans” dildo, and the “Pokémoan” themed dildos.

Speaking with GayBuzzer, the company says they’ve been getting daily demands from their customers for these products. “Also, it is our favorite franchise so we really enjoy coming up with new product ideas.”

The Dildoda

The new line includes a “Hand Solo” masturbation sleeve (with silicone instead of carbonite), vibrators shaped like Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper, and, yes, a C3-Plug. You can guess where that goes.

Han Solo and Chewbacca - Gay Porn?
Photo: Lucasfilm

Of course, a Star Wars inspired sex toy line can’t be complete without a Lightsaber – a Dildo Lightsaber, that is. And you can get these in different colors – depending on your side of the Force.

“People definitely prefer the dark side!”, the company says:

“We noticed that from our initial Star Toys products people were asking for more naughty toys specifically based around the villains.

When we first released our laser sword dildos we sold out of our red ones pretty much straight away. This year we have been busy creating this awesome range and making stock in preparation for the influx of naughty Star Wars fans this December.”

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