What will they think of next? A new smartphone attachment, along with an app, can analyse your sperm and test your fertility, all in the comfort of your own home. Will it soon become a Grindr preference?

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Testing your sperm count, which is a method of testing a man’s fertility level, can cost up to $100,000 when done in a lab, according to NPR, but this new testing method is only going to cost… $5, and can be done at home.

The process, created by a team at Harvard, does not entail cumming all over your smartphone (though some men tend to do that for various reasons. It WILL void your warranty, probably, so be careful).

The diagnostic device is an attachment the sits under your phone (and kind of looks like a phone case).

“First, you load a small amount of a semen sample onto a disposable microchip.

Then you put the microchip into the cell phone attachment through a slot. The attachment turns the phone’s camera into a microscope.”

The app will then analyse your sperm and give you the results. Keep in mind, the device is only a prototype at this point, and the group is now filing for FDA approval – so you won’t be seeing people bragging about the sperm count on Grindr just yet.

Here’s a video of the process:

h/t: Queerty 

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