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Nick Jonas has addressed the LGBTQ community a lot, this past year. In between his two gay roles, his ongoing innuendos, and his support for the Orlando victims – some say he’s doing it all just to gain more fans in the gay community. But now, Jonas says these accusations aren’t fair – and “it’s a shame”.

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Nick Jonas - Woke Up Like This
Photo: Instagram

While touring the country these days, along with Demi Lovato, Jonas sat down with Billboard for an interview, where he was asked about the accusations about him “stringing the gay community along for a fan base”, and whether that’s unfair:

“Of course. Think about my past and where my love for performance comes from — musical theater. And playing this gay fighter in a very macho world for Kingdom, it requires me digging really deep, and I do it with respect and honor.”

Jonas was also asked about the backlash he received after speaking at the Stonewall Orlando vigil:

I wouldn’t change a thing. That’s a moment — and in general the time we’re in in this country — where unity, support and raising our hand and saying we can make change is what’s important, so it’s a shame when people make it about something else.

We also get to hear from Jonas’ pal and touring partner Demi Lovato, who talks about Jonas being young – and currently single:

He’s a guy in his 20s and he’s famous and he likes to have a lot of fun. Listen, even when he was in a relationship, I was like, “Get out of that. You could f– anybody that you want right now, so have fun and do that.”

Read the full interview right here.