Nick Jonas keeps teasing his gay fans – but we’re not really complaining. This time: he speaks about sexual experiments with men, and about sex toys he gets from fans.

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Nick Jonas - Kingdom
Photo: DirectTV

Jonas has TWO gay roles on TV these days: on Scream Queens and on Kingdom.  In an interview with Daily Star Online, Jonas promises more steamy sex scenes on Kingdom: “I’m gay in Kingdom, if you keep watching the series you’ll see more of that.”

And then the inevitable question was finally asked – did you experiment sexually with another man? His response:

“I can’t say if I have or haven’t, but if you watch the show [Kingdom] you’ll see more of that.”

Such a tease… And on another matter (or is it?), Jonas also told Daily Star Online about fans who throw weird sex toys at him while he’s on stage:

“I think someone must have gone to a sex shop before the show and threw up all the items you can possibly think of on stage. Furry handcuffs, a box of condoms and like a maids feather brush thing.”

You’re picturing Jonas with a ‘feather brush thing’ now, right? It’s OK, we are too.

h/t: Attitude Magazine