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Sometimes it seems the gay community is divided when it comes to Nick Jonas. Some are thrilled to have the (admittedly hot) singer embrace us with open arms, while others claim he’s “gay baiting” gay men so they would buy his albums. But what does he have to say about all that?

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Nick Jonas - Levels
Photo: YouTube

In a new interview with Newsweek, Nick was asked point-blank about those “Gay-Baiting” accusations – “Is that hurtful?

“I think there’s ignorance everywhere, right?”, Nick responded, and explained:

It’s about acknowledging how much of it you really want to hear. You have control over that. I’m confident and comfortable with who I am, my intentions are pure… I see no difference in any of my fans, no matter who they are.

I think it’s a beautiful thing when you can embrace everybody. I wish more of my peers in a similar position—as a heterosexual male pop singer—would embrace that and be more willing to be more comfortable and open about it.

Do note the “heterosexual male” part.

Nick was also asked about his willingness (some might say – eagerness) to take his shirt off in photo shoots and TV roles:

Physicality in general doesn’t make me uncomfortable. I don’t think of it as using it to promote stuff, it’s just what the project requires.

But I also have fun with it. I think in some of my storytelling [in music] it’s important to embrace the sexual vibe to it.

Embrace it Nick, embrace it.

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