As someone whose first claim to fame was as a Disney star with a “Purity Ring”, all this sex talk from Nick Jonas was a bit of a surprise when it stared a couple of years ago. Now, he’s explaining how sex also changed his music.

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Nick Jonas - Close
Photo: Close (YouTube)

In an interview with Star2 Jonas talks about the transition from being a child star, to becoming a sex symbol:

I was in my transition from adolescence to adulthood while also trying to manage being a family and having our business kind of fall apart.

So, I made a conscious effort to push myself and collaborate with different people. The word “intentional” is dangerous, but it was about intentionally doing certain photo shoots and things that would give people a better idea of who I am today as opposed to their first introduction when I was 14.

And he also explains how it relates to sex:

As a songwriter, the minute you start having sex, you can totally see the difference in the writing. You become an adult – that’s kind of the whole backbone of it, really, your identity as a person and what sex means to you.

Read the full interview right here.