Nick Sandell is not a household name (yet) – but he’s a popular model with more than 145,000 followers on Instagram, and GayBuzzer readers seems to be particularly fond of him – could it be that great body? Possibly that impressive bulge that he often puts on display?

Whatever the case, when Nick takes his pants off and posts the hot result on Instagram – we have to tell you about it.

Nick Sandell pants off
Photo: Frank Marando / Instagram

Nick Sandell, who is originally from New Hampshire, often models for underwear companies – and for good reason.

Mr man Taron

Just look at his most recent photoshoot with a pair of Armani underwear, taken by photographer Frank Marando, and the caption:

Sometimes in life, you just gotta take your pants off and say #YoLo

Indeed, you only live once, so you might as well spend your life staring at photos of Nick: