Some models just make you stop in your tracks, drop everything you do, leave it all behind – and stare at a picture. Adam Jakubowski, a Polish model, photographer and stylist is one of those guys – which is why we’ve been long-time fans.

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Adam Jakubowski
Adam Jakubowski [Photo: Marcin Rychły / Instagram]
So, this is the right time to check up on him – and look at some of his best (and most revealing!) photos.

As you’ll quickly see, he’s not afraid to put his whole magnificent body on display – and his photoshoots with other men are even more exciting…

1. Shower Time

2. Bath Time

3. Oh look, now he’s IN the bath

4. Now he’s… ON the bath?

5. Out in the wild

6.Boys will be boys (… with whipped cream)

7. Pretty in Purple

8. It’s shower time again

9. Double Trouble

10. “Naked Tuesday”

11. Sometimes you just want to stay in bed

12. Having fun

13. Double fun

14. We could go on for hours…

15. Let’s end on a serious note

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