The right glasses, on the right man, can sometimes make all the difference. Maybe it’s the nerdy look that we like, maybe it’s the wisdom implied, whatever the explanation – men in glasses can be sexy as hell. Here are some fine examples:

Best Gay Porn Discounts Of The Year  ⮕

1. Actor Keenan Tracey with a fine pair (of glasses)

2. Do sunglasses count? We’ll say yes for our supermodel buddy, River Viiperi

3. Our favourite South African, Byron Langley

4. With Blake Mitchell being a porn star, you know he does EVERYTHING with his glasses on

5. When hot cosplayers wear glasses – is it a costume?

6. We’ll take Tom Holland with or without glasses

7. The Harry Potter look

8. Pretty colors all around

9. Actor / Performer / Former Disney Star Garrett Clayton

10. Glasses AND a cat…

Men Bang SFW William Seed 700